Anxiety Counseling

Anxiety - Anxiety has many causes as well as manifestations. The best thing about anxiety is that it is very treatable. Anxiety can stem from present day concerns and situations or it can come from past trauma. Past or early trauma, whether imbedded in the subconscious mind or glaringly present, often influences and triggers present-day anxiety. Anxiety appears in many forms. You may feel uneasy or dissatisfied. You may suffer from phobias and other fears. Anxiety may stop you from trying new things or from feeling truly successful. Your life may feel meaningless or over-filled and too busy.

People often try to assuage their anxiety through amassing material comforts, by becoming workaholics, using drugs and alcohol, or attracting dysfunctional relationships. People with anxiety may feel empty or worthless inside, have stress-related physical ailments, feel unhappy and tearful, feel tense, or feel like they are ready to explode with anger or frustration or have a mental or emotional break down.

My goal as your therapist is to help you identify and work with the causes of your anxiety or stress, support you in reprogramming your brain and your emotional responses (neuropsychology), and to guide you in creating and using healthy functional habits and patterns in your daily living.

To accomplish this we will begin with talk therapy. Treatment may then include imagery, EMDR, journaling, shamanic journey, hypnosis, and breathing and other mediation techniques, as well as individualized homework assignments. Current studies show that talk therapy, when the client feels heard and understood, can actually change brain matter. Talking and insight coupled with behavior modification techniques can help you find your authentic self and self acceptance and joy in your life.

Learn to find happiness. You deserve it and it is possible!

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