Useful Tips

Please scroll down to see these tips and then practice them and see what happens.


"I give thanks for help unknown already on its way"

This was given to me by Dick Olney, a respected teacher of mine who taught "Self Acceptance Training"

Awareness Technique
Emotions and Your Physical Body

Marianne Mejia - Psychotherapy, Anxiety, EMDR, Trauma, Life Transitions, Writer's Block, Computer Phobia, Fears & Phobias - Soquel, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Capitola, Felton, Scotts Valley, Watsonville, Rio del Mar, & Santa Cruz county, CA

When you are having trouble connecting with your emotions or are feeling overpowered by them, try noticing the sensations in your physical body: your breathing, your heart rate, your chest, your stomach, whether you are hot or cold, expanded or contracted, any tingling, pain, or tightness, or other sensations. Just notice and do not try to judge them or change them.

This will help you integrate your body, emotions, and intellect and will provide important clues to your feelings so that you increase your awareness and can begin to change unwanted patterns.

Do this a minimum of three times a day and note what happens.

The Gratefulness Exercise

Decide to write down and share 3 things you are grateful for each day. Pick a time period for which you will commit to do this and be sure to share these with at least one other person, Facebook, etc.

Write down your thoughts and state of mind before you start this. Either during or at the end of your allotted time period, write down your thoughts and state of mind again and notice any changes in your attitude and/or mood.

My Examples:

I am grateful for the rain, a warm house with a fire, solid ground below me, food, company. My heart goes out to Japan and to the many others around the world who are in pain and turmoil.
What are you grateful for?

I am grateful for
1) Pure, sweet well water
2) Pure air and to be able to breathe it deeply
3) For life.
4) I am always grateful when I stand on this land. It is healing and open. I am glad that I have my psychotherapy business here.

Being grateful is a state of mind that we can all turn towards, that we can all experience.
The Neuroscience of Why Gratitude Makes Us Healthier

When You Make a Mistake ...
Helpful Short Mantra to Repeat to Yourself

When you make a mistake, especially one where you feel bad about yourself, repeat this out loud to yourself until you feel better. It works. “I made a mistake, and that’s where it’s at and it’s no big deal!”

This was taught to me by a wonderful teacher of mine, Dick Olney, who passed away many years ago. It has helped me as well as many of my clients. Try it.

Marianne Mejia - Psychotherapy, Anxiety, EMDR, Trauma, Life Transitions, Writer's Block, Computer Phobia, Fears & Phobias - Soquel, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Capitola, Felton, Scotts Valley, Watsonville, Rio del Mar, & Santa Cruz county, CA

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